A Phar Out Direction!

Pharout Labs
9 min readMay 8, 2022


Wow, it’s been quite an awesome journey so phar with Phar Out Market & Media, but what an incredible amount of work for one individual!

The last Medium i was able to write was in mid April, but there’s been quite a few developments and expansions since then!!

First thing’s first, the mainnet Marketplace is fully coded in and interactive through the frontend at pharout.space!!
I tested the contracts and shared the proof of work in the Phunks and the Pharout Discord rooms to prove safety and effectiveness!

Proof of work:

Listing item for sale($18 @ 31 gwei): https://etherscan.io/tx/0x970d6850e521c1a5fca4e6a44fe0a35a2af90cab5db50c3c8cd4ba2b27f34d41

Updating price($5 @ 31 gwei): https://etherscan.io/tx/0x0da4b862b0bd1d6682660c7ebe192d72d10012ae33e099bd80f46b850bae0612

Buy market item($19 @29 gwei): https://etherscan.io/tx/0x626fdc82410b51d47ac96dd393c6dc38a7a0afbc3f1da6a6dd84e1b0261ec0c0

Delist market item($16 @25 gwei{currently pending}): https://etherscan.io/tx/0x3c3dd8f5cc6f73ef6da471a4bc68420ea9c0a35916c9ca74fda124542f8b41c5

I listed a few v3 Punks since that was the only wallet that i had enough ETH in to list anything! I spent all of my last ETH on listing NFTs on the marketplace to fill it in a bit more! You can even find CryptoPhunk #9249 for sale on there!

We have a fully working, unstoppable Marketplace that is fully decentralized and distributed!!!!

The Subgraph, distributed p2p network and the frontend is all working well and persisting all the metadata to display the items!!

The gas prices for the calls are really cheap for being fully ETH native!!

I suggest setting the gwei levels to around 30 if you’re going to do anything on the marketplace! When you go to sign the contract call, you can adjust the gas settings to 30 gwei and it will go through when the gas levels reach that area again! It may take a bit but it will save you a bunch of money! Unless there’s an immediate need for the contract call execution, there’s no reason to send it at the recommended higher levels! Send it with a lower level and let it go through when it’s time!

You can now use the marketplace in it’s entirety, from listing/delisting, making competitive ETH bids, offering any ERC20 or even a NFT for a trade!

There are still some things that I need to finish, but the base functions have been rigorously tested and are stable! This is still considered experimental and not yet officially open to the public!

You can make collection wide orders that i call “blind” orders, either collection wide or for a specific NFT. Search for any NFT collection and you’ll find the functions to enter market orders on top of the card!

If you enter a collection-wide “blind” market order, such as offering any ERC20 for that collection, then any owner of that collection can accept the offer and take the ERC20 for any NFT of that collection they have. You can do competitive ETH bidding, offer any ERC20 or even offer a trade of any NFT!

I also added in charts for recent price action!

If the data is available, a chart of recent collection sales are displayed, along with each attribute in the collection and their recent sales and listings stats!

If you know the collection slug, just enter it into the url and it will try to find it for you!

This part is very cool and I found a really good feng shui flow with the marketplace and collection item searches! Plus with the charting it gives us the ability to quantify a relative price range, really great to have!!

I refactored the collections and collection item searches extensively and settled on a good node distribution setup in our distributed database. I’m pleased so far! We are fully non-reliant on any one source for NFT data!!! OpenSea is not needed here!

I need to adjust the collection items search page to increase the amount of collections we can search through now that the database is filling up for us to reference from! Each search saves the metadata to our distributed database which makes it openly accessible for anyone to instantly query! We are building an open, distributed public registry of all NFTs!!

There’s the ability to like the collections and items, and also add it to your favorites selection. If your wallet is connected, i use the wallet address as the alias reference in our p2p database node so i can display the favorited or liked items in your personal page, then if you sign up and generate a new user private/public keypair, all of that data is associated with the crypto address used, so everything from user likes, comments and messages will be available! You can send any ETH address a message today and it will be saved to this alias node until they sign up to access it! If you have a user profile created in the database, then you will be able to comment on items as well soon! Stay tuned!

Are you ready for a sound wave???

PharOut Market & Media has been recently upgraded to include an audio player controller in the header and an Insta-Sounds component for artist/track info!!

You can now enjoy music from our featured artist Nadir Nomad and my old jazz trio with me on guitar!

There’s actually huge additions coming, this is just a little treat for the true pham in order to show direction! I had to build out the audio context from scratch, and i wrote it from top down so we can listen to the music as we browse the site, and also visit the InstaSounds page to check up on the artist! I added a scrolling ticker on the header for track/artist info also! I had to actively debug in a few different environments and i couldn’t thank Nadir enough for their assistance and patience in that realm! It is now cross-browser compatible for android and ios devices!

I also added a PharOut 808 beat machine as a little teaser that you can mess around with here https://kindly-care.surge.sh/#/creators/audio-sampler !

If you’re a musician or are into music NFTs, you’re going to love the next additions that are to be rolled out! There’s some mind bending things that i can’t wait to reveal!!! These recent component additions are just preparations for what’s coming!

PharOut Labs is being sought out for different work in web3!

I recently built out the Phunky Phresh website for that team and we are actively testing and preparing for deployment!

I wrote the smart contracts, coded the website and added a customized end to end encrypted database that will allow confidentiality in sharing private shipping info. I employed the Diffie-Hellman key exchange for an oblivious transfer function that encrypts the user data and saves it using SHA256 hashing for the Administrator, @wheresrvthm .

After you have purchased a NFT voucher for the jumpsuit, you must register your shipping address at a later date in order for https://twitter.com/wheresrvthm to know where to ship everything!

Your crypto wallet address is used as part of a randomized alias in the p2p database, and a random private/public keypair is generated in order to encrypt your user data. When you enter the necessary information into the site, your private/public keypair that was just created is used to sign and encrypt the data along with https://twitter.com/wheresrvthm public key so that only they can access and decrypt the data! This encryption protocol is practically the same protocol we use for the blockchain, but it’s a few steps higher in security!! If you trust the blockchain, then you should trust this data encryption even more! If anyone has any questions on implementation or about the encryption mechanism and security/reliability, feel free to find me in the Phar Out discord to chat and learn in our higher education section.

PharOut Labs is in active discussion with a few different projects that are requiring our unique abilities, if you need a custom smart contract created or a website built specializing in decentralization/cyber-security first, We are your builders! Contact us today!

Buy my Phunk!

He’s not alone anymore!

I spent every last penny and ETH dust I had on building this Marketplace and Media platform! It’s such a relief to see it at this stage of the build, fully functional! I listed my last Phunk for sale on the marketplace also, i figured it was an appropriate home for him, custom built with love by me.

The official public opening is yet to be announced, and there’s still a few things I would like to address, but you can use the marketplace today!

You can find a few NFTs listed for sale right now and you can even buy them today! I am in great need of funding, please consider buying one or minting a PharOut NFT today to help my build efforts!

People complain about web3 being sold out and becoming centralized, and here I am building a sure solution for us, please support me! Check out the site, please give me feedback on your browser and device and any issues, it’s only me building this and i have to test all scenarios and i can’t do that by myself.

There have been a great deal of people supporting me through this whole time and I couldn’t have done this without you all! I often get caught up in the people who claim to be proponents of decentralization but then treat me as anathema, and I am sorry because that detracts from the huge support I get from so many individuals in the Phunks and the web3 communities! You all are amazing, you see the vision, the need and part of what’s starting to unfold and actually be delivered, and you have supported me, i am blessed beyond words to have such great phriends! Thank you very much!

I am preparing a very, very special place for you that will be a place of refuge from the spyware society, if used correctly. There are also unique features coming for PharOut NFT holders as I expand the site!

I had to code everything by myself, this part of the build so far has been focused on ensuring the distributed backend and subgraph worked in sync with the smart contracts to ensure a stable, decentralized build. Styling is much simpler compared to coding assemblyscript, javascript, typescript or solidity, but I am not a website designer per se, yet. I could use any suggestions or tips of what you think would look best for the site, but I will learn and adapt as I always do!

We also need flow charts for users to understand the site, and more infographics produced. I currently have less than $40 in the bank and no ETH, else I would pay for them.

The PHUNKY DAO has been relegated to temporary guardianship position!

I spent months in the PHUNKY DAO room asking for help on the place I was building for us all. I even custom coded the contracts to use the $PHUNKY token as the platform token used to bypass fees and access more features, and made it in such a way with a PharOut NFT so that the original cryptophunk devs who took millions and never did anything to give back to society could not carte blanche have such benefits.

Every piece of the marketplace is custom designed and catered for a DAO, but the PHUNKY DAO grew more silent and disorganized, so i removed them from the elevated position and relegated them to a custom guardianship contract that i created in order to claim rewards upon approval by the DEV multisig.

PharOut holders will become what they cannot be if they continue in the disinterest and dereliction of duty, and $PHUNKY will be removed from redemptions.

For phreedom, for brotherly love, for the royalty of the universe, for all of you!

Over and Phar Out.



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