It’s a Phamily Affair…

Pharout Labs
9 min readMay 14, 2022


The PharOut story couldn’t possibly be told without sharing a bit of the phenomenal people that helped out along the way! I wanted to throw out an anchor of remembrance and appreciation, as I can sometimes get lost in the woodwork of life, and to take this moment to give thanks to my Phriends. Read up on the history of my Phar Out journey with the Phunks here!(updated 5–15–22 @19:43)

We get by with a little help from our phriends! is a love child brought about by a Phunky group of people from all around the world. These weren’t just a random group of art collectors or crypto enthusiasts, these were individuals that stayed together to share and unite in a common ethos and principle of values which grew a bond stronger than the love of money or power could sustain; these were PHUNKS!

PharOut was created for the purpose of allowing Phreedom in a corrupt world system which had unjustly targeted the wrong group of individuals who understood the meaning and significance of web3 and the blockchain realm.

These aren’t just regular phriends, these are exemplary individuals from around the world who displayed deep knowledge of the current times and meanings, great courage in the face of adversity and the ability of reconciliation or even just to say phuck you and let the universe find harmony while facing the right way. The phorce is strong with them!

Chopper OG Kenobi played a huge role of support and assistance throughout this whole time! The inspiration of their teamwork and drive on NLL and FlooredApe gave me hope for what should be in a team with Claire and others(updated 5–15–22 @19:40), a group of talented friends that did what they love and delivered a beautiful, industry leading product. If you haven’t checked out the FlooredApe app yet, what are you waiting for? Check it out!

OG Kenobi and Chopper refactored the LL Cryptopunks contract for use in the NotLarvaLabs marketplace, and I further extended the Cryptopunks marketplace contract for use in the PharOut Market Bids contract by adding multi item orders! Thank you Kenobi and Chopper!

Megavega was an early believer and supporter to the vision and build! Their wisdom and perspectives shared on Twitter and Discord through our daily walk helped to keep my path straight and allow inner contemplation and reflection. Thank you Megavega for being you.

Iape had been an inspiring colleague of a builder and phren through this whole time! Remember when we were testing with the phunk music or phunk image to pixel twitter bot i put together for us? Thank you for your contributions to the community and your daily perseverance and your tinkerings and inspiring work!!

9999999333 has been a poster image in the Phunk community and good to have around! Good for the soul and atmosphere, funny lad with an entrepreneur mindset and drive, gotta love that! A forgiving phunk, thanks for being you bro!

PIV has been such an amazingly talented artist in the Phunk community and shares phantastic pieces of their rich and deep historical interpretations! What an inspiring individual for how much someone can do with a few pixels! True artistic exceptionalism!

MiddleMarch is just an incredible genius and innovator! Watching them learn and discover, share and try new things is one of the joys of life! They are constantly questioning the structure and testing new boundaries and designs and is one of the great Phunk inventors! Thank you for your inspiration and motivation and belief! Thank you for being daring and trying the PharOut Marketplace as our first customer! Really Phar Out!

Claudia has been my earliest believers and supporters through the entire journey before PharOut was even conceptualized! It was still an ideal and a R&D project! They supported and liked and shared my updates ever since last August on my exploration of possibilities and building towards an open and free NFT marketplace and community platform for the Phunks! I still remember being so excited that she liked my update about an NFT indexer i finally coded and deployed on a remote server while in the woods in a tent, because at least there was one person who believed! It really made the world of difference!! Thank you so much Claudia!

Heidi was very inspirational to me and great to see her twitter posts everyday as she carried the ethos of Phunk! Thanks Heidi, you rock!

Dovetail rose up and took on the responsibility of a 3rd signer on the Dev Multisig for PharOut! Thank you for your bravery and assistance, and for the spellchecking! I love you vision and drive with color schemes and retro waves! Really hope to create a nice platform for your use!

EggBoi is such a cool guy and creator! He’s been a pillar in the community and always helped to provide a wise and level headed input to any situation. Thanks for being the cryptophunks mod and helping out all around, especially the artist in the spotlight room, the sup phunks newsletter and for creating the phar-out-dev discord room! What a creative and awesome phunk!! Thanks again!

No Phunk story is truly complete without Pauly! I’ve been in the crypto world for many years and seen many potential communities come and go, but Pauly held the characteristic and intense drive as a Leader to charge the path in carrying the Phunks and became one of the most recognized proponents of Phunkism! Well done, sir!

I will look back and say Pauly did it like Phranky Sinatra, he did it his way.

Ryder Ripps truly deserves a top spot in the Phunks history book! For their active involvement in continually setting NFT history and for being a part of the Phunks by helping to cultivate and shape the essence of Phunkism, Ryder was intrinsic in sculpting the ethos and history of Phunk. He pushed forward in the face of adversity in not only cultural rebellion by speaking truth to authority figures such as , but also in leading discussions and ideals of what art is with his innovative works that push the borders of normality and chats of true meaning and historical interpretation.

This is not a revisionist attempt and I am certainly missing many phantastic and exceptional people from around the world, but it’s hard not to get caught away with talking about the epic history of the Phunks while speaking about Phunks!

Additional revision!! @10:30 PM Fri, May 13th!

I truly had to add this spot for such an incredible and self-less supporter in the NFT community and Phunks!! Menalist420 is a genuine lover of the arts and a leader in the NFT realm! I truly wouldn’t have even been able to eat the last month without his help in minting PharOut NFTs to show support!! Thank you so much, not only for the financial support, but especially for sharing my posts and being my phriend and standing up for this!! You have been an exceptionally wonderful blessing!

Thank you to everyone that has been with me over the last year and made life a little more humorous and enjoyable through the shared suffering and feeling of abandonment, and thank you to everyone that caused suffering as well which forced us to grow a little more and part with what we didn’t need; blessed are the peacemakers.

This was me looking back at my roots and giving thanks to those who made an impact in my life and journey on this build of PharOut, who helped to inspire, shape or comfort me with just their presence and support through strange times, and are some of the reasons why I am motivated to create a home for their work and not only a marketplace, but a studio workbench to carry out their adventures in!

Last but not least, to all the great Phunks, friends and hidden supporters through this, thank you so much for giving me the time of day and opportunity for this build, for the supportive prayers and motivating messages in difficult situations. Special thanks to DJN for the phenomenal exclusive DJ playlists that keep me coding phar through the night, and especially to Nadir for the friendship and interest and so much help shared! I hope to be presenting a very special place for you both and for all the incredible and talented musicians and artists in the world! Thank you to Whale Goddess for the miraculous support and assistance! You came in like an angel to help with not only the work, but you actually cared to ask how i was doing everyday and how i felt, and you listened and responded and I never had that in my life, it was truly impactful and considerate and kind, it is beyond words how much value you brought to my life, and you truly saved my life. Thank you ❤

I’m sorry for those I have missed, I love you all so much, for the best and the worst of ya! It’s truly a Phunky Phamily Affair of Phriends that has wrought this so far.

I used to send dm’s to Confuscious all the time while I was working on the smart contracts and database! What a great supporter, thank you for taking the time to read everything i write and giving feedback!



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