New Features and Versions Inbound!

Pharout Labs
3 min readMay 21, 2022


We have reached a fully customized MVP and are out of what I am referring to as our “Industrial age”, when the contracts were being formed out, the functionality plugged in and the base foundation of the p2p database was being structured in.

To me it reminded me of laying out the concrete foundation, all of the steel and iron beams of the building and the wiring and plumbing.

For this I have altered the styling slightly to its v1 version of an industrial grey tone. It has deeper meaning than that as well to me, for as such it is bland and boring(still a little classy), but when the community NFT’s are brought in all of the energy and vibrancy comes along with it and the grey accentuates the art piece rather than distracting from it.

Phar Out Marketplace preview

Without the community, the website is dull and meaningless, but with the community the life and vibrancy and colors of the world are brought in!

I want to see your colors shining brightly!

A community center has formed in PharOut!

Head to the Community page and click on the Community Center link to visit the newly forming PharOut p2p decentralized networking center for NFT communities!

You’ll be able to create your own Chapters of your Community and launch your own encrypted nodes to host exclusive activities!

Stream audio/video content, gameplay, file sharing and much more to come!

The only components enabled at the moment are the landing page and the IPFS uploader that anyone can use! These files will not be permanently pinned, but they will remain relevant the more they are requested! They may disappear though!

PharOut NFT Holders can now pin any file to Pinata!

If you hold a PharOut NFT, first of all thank you very much for the support and belief in this build! If you are connected to the site, You can now upload and pin any file to IPFS/Pinata automatically!

The website reads the chain and can tell if you are a holder, if so it will automatically pin every file you upload!

Upload Size Limits: Each individual upload (whether it is a file or a folder) is limited to 25 GB.

There’s much more exclusive content to come, I hope this custom IPFS uploader is useful to all of the world

Mint a NFT to pin any file and help support the build!




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