The Journey Soon Begins…

Pharout Labs
7 min readApr 20, 2022



The last week brought us a holy week around the world for many and a birth of a new adventure in decentralized finance! We launched our full marketplace suite contracts onto the Ethereum Mainnet on April 16th! (It was also my birthday and we were already prepared for a month+ waiting for the right time, so it made sense to share some significant date of deployment with my own date of deployment!).

It was a clear evening sky with mainnet gwei levels settling below 17, leaving spectators in awe at the prime opportunity. I decided to make my move. “It’s time”, I dispatched to the CryptoPhunks Discord general area as I headed to a location that I was certain would allow me a strong and stable wifi connection with my wireless hotspot.

Developing these contracts on the move for the last ten months had been laborious and demanding, the anticipation and excitement grew in me as I raced down the forest highway. After arriving and preparing my battlestation, I ran through the unit tests a few more times to try and ease my rising tension and paranoia. The WhaleGoddess and I combed over every line and function; had refined, redesigned and rebuilt these contracts over the course of the last several months to create a beautiful machine of a decentralized system; how could I have such anxiety rise in me!? The fear of the unknown is enough to cripple a person but I was determined to proceed, it was indeed time.

Pre-Launch tests were complete and passed as expected and done for the weeks and months leading up. I posted the gas report for the tests on the PharOut Discord general area.

I am quite pleased with the efficiency of these contracts given the complexity! We aimed for irreducible complexity and minimal state changes for only necessary data while maintaining standard practices for safety and access control. We were also able to reduce reliance of external libraries that brought in unnecessary code and steps in functions which really helped to reduce gas costs.

Sweat started rolling down my brow as I passed all the necessary pre-launch safety tests. I ran the deployment script one more time on Rinkeby to be certain I had everything set up correctly.

Success! All stages were ready, the stations were positioned and we were clear for launch!


3… 2.. 1. LETS GOOOOO!

I faced some race conditions in my calls and had to split the deployment script up into 3 blocks, but all contracts deployed successfully, all the roles were set and all the OG PharOut NFT holders were recorded in the Rewards contract!! A historic night for the PharOut crew and our contracts were live on the mainnet with it’s first Rewards Clock aeon and epoch engaged!! Check out our article from last week for an introduction to the unique Rewards distribution clock I created for us to help ensure a level of fair, egalitarian minded distribution of marketplace fees to active users!

The subgraphs for Rinkeby and Mainnet were both deployed for the new contract addresses, and I began the tedious work of finishing testing and assembling the marketplace for interoperability between the ethereum contracts, the indexed subgraph and the distributed database to persist the market item metadata. This trinity creates an unstoppable, uncensorable and trustless financial and communication system for anyone around the world to use!

The distributed database we use is a monumental difference in all of the projects building today. All of your user data and information is at risk and any centralized service is blindly trusting an unknown entity with your confidential information. They want too damn much information!! I am not doing another KYC in my life, you can Kick Your Chin I won’t do it again.

I don’t care who you are or where you are from, I believe we all have a fundamental right to the freedom of speech and distributing material, as well as the freedom to exchange in goods or services and keep our own property! Ain’t that something! We’re never going to ask for your private information like what’s your name, where you live, what’s your email, this is getting way too invasive.

I go into a store and buy a pack of trading cards with $10 dollars and leave, nobody asks me anything, the worst I must suffer is a video recording of my presence for their fear of modern civilization. I can go buy a gold chain right now for cash and never have my name or personal details connected to it, why are the modern electronic financial corporations demanding we testify against ourselves? Why do they need anything at all?

So they can cut you off and target you obviously, as we have seen! Are you a beautiful, unique creator with their only hope and opportunity in crypto? Oh you were born in Iran? Looks like you’re being targeted for direct violations of human rights. The criminals perpetrating such things may have the right of legality at the moment, but I will not stand idle and tolerate such global tyranny and duplicity in crypto.

There also may come a time when the mobs of politics will bring tyranny on any and all crypto related projects, developers and users, such things are already being openly discussed by the current regime; if there is a way to shut down the protocols and target the users based on the information wantonly collected without due warrant, they will do it. All who use centralized services and cloud services for their database are at jeopardy and any claims of decentralization should be met with harsh criticism and concerns. This is not a game. This is freedom.

The only information ever needed to sign-up for a new account in our p2p network is your crypto address that we get when you sign in. That’s it!

This allows you to send personal messages to any crypto address and public messages on a community board(these functions are still being fully stabilized, marketplace build is my priority..), and I had just added a new addition to the community center with our own Community Library!

This uses IPFS to preserve all the material, while utilizing our p2p database to preserve the metadata and items for query! Any user signed in can save an immutable reference to a book in our database. Please only use this to preserve public educational material for the betterment of all people around the world!

The creator of the distributed p2p database system we use, Mark, did hint that there should be videos as he hadn’t read much, and I wholeheartedly agree to that proposition!

Plato’s Republic and the writings of Shakespeare were instrumental to me in my early teens, but I was a unique individual who rather enjoyed the library and escape of the world into a new understanding of reality.

The majority of my higher education took place in countless hours of lectures and various seminars or documentaries. I am mostly autodidactic and benefited greatly from utilizing free educational videos. I will be preparing the ability to preserve, catalogue and watch educational videos over IPFS as well. We will need a community librarian to curate the pieces and ensure the proper preservation of material, as this is a pursuit in preserving public knowledge for future generations and the liberty of all people.

Pharout now has a home found at!! We are currently using this for a redirect.

We also have pharout.eth secured in the pharoutvault and enabled with our latest IPNS build! Visit pharout.eth with an IPFS accepted browser, or else use, and it will take you to the latest IPFS build for a fully decentalized dApp! We are still building things out and integrating things properly, but we have achieved a state of complete decentralization and distribution of our dApp to create an unstoppable and uncensorable Marketplace and Media platform!!!! It’s Phar Out!! No one can stop us at this point, we have become decentralization!!

Until we meet again, over and Phar Out!



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